Saturday, September 22, 2012

Artist CV

Example of a good CV

Example of a bad CV

Anna Bodi
40 Any Road
Home Tel: Private
Date of Birth: 24th January 1978
Nationality: British
Marital Status: Single
Personal Profile:
I can be a hard worker when I need to be and I like having jokes with people. I prefer to work on my own as I find working in teams can be stressful and I don’t like stress. I haven’t worked for the last 7 years as I do not like to travel too far from home and all the good jobs were over 30 minutes away from my house.
  • High level of customer service
  • Good communication skils, both written and spoken
  • Reliable and resonsible
Employment History
Dave’s Wine Bar
Bar Assistant Oct 2002 – Mar 2003
Duties included:
  • Surving drinks and keeping the bar clean
Reason for Leaving: Fired because I had too many days off.
Cathy’s CafĂ©
Sept 2002 – May 2002
Duties included:
  • surving customers
  • taking orders and cashier.
Reason for leaving: Did not get on with new owner.
Not working
Went travelling
Aug 2002 – Sept 2002
Luigi’s Restaurant
May 2002 – July 2002
Reason for leaving: Very late working hours.
Au Pair
Sept 2001 – Jan 2002
Duties Included:
  • Careing for two young kids of wealthy couple on a daily basis (9am-7pm)
Reason for leaving: Mother unstable.
St Duncan’s Comprehensive
Exam results:
  • English (Ungraded)
  • Maths (F)
  • Art (D)
  • Italian (C)
Interest/ Hobbies:  My fave hobbies are listening to pop music and going out shopping and drinking with my friends and family. I spend a lot of my time with my boyf Peter watching TV soaps, using Facebook online and playing computer games.
Peter Noone
40 Any Road

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Final piece

My mind maps talks about Dots and how it has been used in different areas such as in art, science and language. Those are my three sections or main points which include the information as a drawing or words. In my mind map I was trying to draw and use symbols as much as I can rather than words or sentences. For the drawings I used water-colour to be soft and Acrylic for the dots. I used Acrylic to show the idea of the Braille language which I was interesting about and those dots led the reader to a drawing or information.  

My process



Process for the final:

Monday, September 17, 2012


the dots mind map include those main topics : 

-graphic design
-interior design

