Saturday, September 22, 2012

Example of a bad CV

Anna Bodi
40 Any Road
Home Tel: Private
Date of Birth: 24th January 1978
Nationality: British
Marital Status: Single
Personal Profile:
I can be a hard worker when I need to be and I like having jokes with people. I prefer to work on my own as I find working in teams can be stressful and I don’t like stress. I haven’t worked for the last 7 years as I do not like to travel too far from home and all the good jobs were over 30 minutes away from my house.
  • High level of customer service
  • Good communication skils, both written and spoken
  • Reliable and resonsible
Employment History
Dave’s Wine Bar
Bar Assistant Oct 2002 – Mar 2003
Duties included:
  • Surving drinks and keeping the bar clean
Reason for Leaving: Fired because I had too many days off.
Cathy’s Café
Sept 2002 – May 2002
Duties included:
  • surving customers
  • taking orders and cashier.
Reason for leaving: Did not get on with new owner.
Not working
Went travelling
Aug 2002 – Sept 2002
Luigi’s Restaurant
May 2002 – July 2002
Reason for leaving: Very late working hours.
Au Pair
Sept 2001 – Jan 2002
Duties Included:
  • Careing for two young kids of wealthy couple on a daily basis (9am-7pm)
Reason for leaving: Mother unstable.
St Duncan’s Comprehensive
Exam results:
  • English (Ungraded)
  • Maths (F)
  • Art (D)
  • Italian (C)
Interest/ Hobbies:  My fave hobbies are listening to pop music and going out shopping and drinking with my friends and family. I spend a lot of my time with my boyf Peter watching TV soaps, using Facebook online and playing computer games.
Peter Noone
40 Any Road

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